Sunday, January 16, 2011

Golden Globes Tonight!

I'm still trying to catch up on all my reviews. Yesterday, I should have spent the day with the laptop, but instead I went to see The Fighter. So, now I have another review to get too! Well, today isn't looking much better. I'm attempting to sneak away to San Francisco for a few hours. I received a gift card to the art supply store for Christmas and it's buring a hole in my pocket! I will be home in time for The Golden Globes though. An evening with Ricky Gervais is always high on my list. Hey, I'll be tweeting during the show. If you haven't followed me yet on Twitter, why don't you start now? You'll find me at Colleenie41. See you tonight!

1 comment:

Dan said...

It's on in the middle of the night here in the UK so I've set it to record. Looking forward to a good show! Hoping Colin Firth wins for Best Actor.