Saturday, March 13, 2010

Idol Chatter

Are you kidding me that both of these kids have been voted off? I really question if people listen to the performances. I must say that I’m pretty upset. I was looking forward to watching Alex grow as a performer and be more comfortable in his skin week after week. He is the voice I hear on the radio these days, what are people thinking? Lilly brought such uniqueness to her performances, but I guess there’s only so much room for creativity? Going into this season, one of the things I enjoyed the most was how many different types of styles were being represented. It’s sad to see some of the more interesting contestants cast aside. If they decide to pull a wild card, my vote is Lambert. He can use the coaching more than Lilly. I was also looking forward to him receiving a Top 12 style makeover so we could get rid of that mullet!

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